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Black Friday chess sales

It’s the time of the year when retailers and online shops lure customers with special discounts for “Black Friday” or “Cyber Monday”. Stefan Löffler shows you the chess sales.

Black Friday Sale
Black Friday Sale

Black Friday sales are an American invention. At Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in November, many Americans take two days off work to meet family for dinner on Thursday and use the Friday to start their christmas shopping. Retailers started in the 1950s to offer special discounts on this day, with the term “Black Friday” coming into use later. It has been picked up in many other countries since. So have discounts on “Cyber Monday” (30 November this year), which started out in 2005 to promote online shopping.

Bargain hunter should be aware that as retailers try to top each other with the size of their discounts, the numbers can be artificially inflated. Also, shops use discounts to get rid of surplus articles. Others, not listed here, have longer-running sales or sales in other periods of the years. Enough fun-spoiling. Here are places that offer special chess sales now:

ajedrez21 (Spain) selected discounts

Chess&Bridge (UK) 10% off everything if you enter this way

chess24 code BF for 50% off premium subscription

Chessable selected discounts until 1 December

ChessBazaar (India) 30% off everything for purchases above $100

ChessHouse discount codes up to 30%

iChess code chess70 for 70% off all courses

Internet Chess Club selected discounts

Le due torri (Italy) selected discounts

USChess code FRIDAY for 20% off everything