Features: · Debate
Why men outperform women at ‘mindsports’ – and what to do about it – 30 Jun 2024
Having studied the gender divide in bridge, Samantha Punch has some insights for the chess community.
Protect our prodigies! – 28 May 2021
Our obsession with titles and the age at which they are accomplished ill-serves our most talented and most vulnerable players. A better way to protect child prodigies from overzealous parents, coaches and officials is suggested by Stefan Löffler.
What chess can learn from E-sport – 03 Dec 2020
Is chess an E-sport? That is missing the real question. Chess has the same tools and opportunities available – and it should use them to attract players and sponsors, pleads Paul Meyer-Dunker.
Study the cheater! – 01 Dec 2020
To understand and prevent cheating, the chess community should pay attention to the scientific literature in behavioural economics and other fields, urges Wolfgang Grünstäudl.
Chess as a commodity? – 10 Aug 2020
Four and a half months have gone by with hardly any significant classical chess. Elite players have started to behave like hustlers. One of the most hyped chess competitions ever was staged between beginners. Raj Tischbierek asks if it is an irreversible development or just a nightmare that will pass.